Constipation is extremely common, affecting 42 million people in the United States. Breakfast is key to improving bowel function and alleviating constipation.
Breakfasts for people with constipation
When you are experiencing constipation, you will surely want to eat foods that make your bowel move. The key element in foods that are better for constipation is fiber , and you will find it in foods that come from plants, so vegetables and fruits should be essential in breakfasts for people with constipation .
Cereal breakfast to relieve constipation
Cereal can be a very sensible breakfast when you have trouble going to the bathroom. It is an easy source of energizing carbohydrates and healthy fiber. But somewhere along the way, the cereal got spoiled and took over from sugary brands that care more about giving you a compelling cartoon than actual healthy food.
However, it is possible to consume healthy cereal to realize the potential of the fiber supply. Read the side of the box and grab a cereal that is specifically high in fiber. You can choose those cereals that also include raisins and other fruits.
Prunes for breakfast
Prunes, or if you prefer a more flavorful sounding name, dried plums, they are the first food you thought of, right? There is a reason they are famous. For one thing, they are rich in fiber. The nutrient is what increases the volume of the stool so that it can move easily.
A prune has about 1 gram of fiber. That's a pretty concentrated amount. They also have fructans and sorbitol, fermentable sugars that can have a laxative effect.
Yogurt with fruits and cinnamon
The dose of fiber in this breakfast is provided by raspberries and blueberries. If you eat them with their seeds and skin intact, they are a great source of this nutrient and are very effective in relieving constipation.
Toast for breakfast
A good way to have fiber for breakfast is to do it with toast. Cereal or whole grain breads have more fiber, so they will be perfect for this type of breakfast. You could even try the keto bread recipe to add to your breakfasts.
We can accompany these toasts with different foods, that depends on whether we want a sweet or salty breakfast, if it is sweet, we can accompany it with fruit jams that contain fiber, the ideal would be to prepare our own jams, but if it is not our case, we can find organic products that do not have added sugars.
Among the fruits that contain the most fiber we can find kiwi, banana, plums, figs or pears.
On the other hand, if you prefer something salty, you can opt for a few slices of tomato with avocado, turkey or cheese. In this way we add vitamins and antioxidants to our fiber intake.
Add almonds and nuts in general to breakfast
Almonds, and in general nuts, as they contain a high proportion of insoluble fiber, are perfect for fighting constipation. This helps regulate intestinal transit and helps increase fecal mass.
They also provide high doses of calcium and we can incorporate them into our meals in a wide variety of dishes: salads, cookies and even as a base for a savory cake.
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