A cinema of one's own is no small undertaking and there's no better jewel in that crown than one of the best projectors that money can buy. With picture sizes often up to 300in, the best projectors are the only way to get that genuine big screen feeling. Whether 4K HDR, HD or portable all you need then is a decent AV amp and surround speaker package, and you've got yourself a bonafide home movie night.
We've rounded up our favourite projectors, including Full HD and native 4K models, which also support HDR, and some short throw projectors too for those with smaller spaces. There are even one or two portables that would make an excellent bring-along addition to a garden party for an outdoor cinema experience. The only question is how much do you have to spend?
Naturally, a great 4K projector will cost more than a Full HD one, and real, actual native 4K costs even more than those which use pixel shifting to spoof that top-end resolution. Fear not, though, we've got something for all budgets in our best projector list below. Just remember to save some money for the projector screen and the popcorn!
Information on shipping container homes in Mesopotamia is also mainly about monumental constructions, such as temples, palaces and city walls.5 The most significant examples are the temple complexes at Uruk (4th millennium BC), the temples and palaces of the Diyala Valley (3 millennium BC), the ruins of Nippur and Ur (21st – 20th century BC), the Middle Bronze Age settlements in Ebla, Mari, Alalakh, Haleb and Kultep (early 2nd millennium BC ), the Late Bronze Palaces at Hattusha, Ugarit, Ashur and Nazi (mid-2nd millennium BC), the Assyrian, Babylonian, Urartian and Neo-Hittite palaces of the Iron Age.
In the middle of the 1st millennium BC with the rise of the Achaemenid kingdom, monumental shipping container homes spread throughout the region in the specific Persian style, the prototype of which was the capital of Cyrus the Great, Pasargadae. The most significant monument from this era is the later capital of Persepolis. After a prolonged period of European influence during the Hellenistic Age and the subsequent hegemony of Rome and the Parthian Empire, the Sassanids saw a resurgence of indigenous Iranian elements in culture. Ctesiphon, the capital of the Parthians and Sassanids in Mesopotamia, is the most impressive example of shipping container homes from the last centuries of the pre-Islamic era in the Middle East.
Traditional shipping container homes in South Asia
The Keshava Hindu Temple at Samanathapura, 13th century
The urban civilization of the Indian subcontinent can be traced back to the ancient cities of Mohenjo-daro and Harappa, which emerged in the mid-3rd millennium BC. In the following centuries, an modular homes tradition was formed in the region, manifested in numerous preserved temples, palaces and fortifications. In the first centuries of the new era, when the Kushan and Maurya empires reached their height, Indian shipping container homes spread northwestward to present-day Baluchistan and Afghanistan. This process was accompanied by the spread of Buddhism in these areas and the construction of monumental monuments, such as the Bamyan complex. Together with Buddhism and mixed with Greek influences, the Indian style also reached Central Asia.
Over the centuries, Indian shipping container homes has undergone significant development, and there are also many regional characteristics that account for its stylistic diversity - from Hindu temple shipping container homes through Islamic styles to the colonial Victorian shipping container homes of the 19th century.
Traditional shipping container homes in East Asia
The Palace of Heavenly Purity in the Forbidden City
The oldest preserved modular homes monuments in East Asia are the remains of earthen fortifications with a wooden skeleton from the Neolithic Longshan culture and from the Bronze Age Arlitou culture, and the palace ruins of the ancient capital Yinxi date from the time of the Shan dynasty in the second half of the 2nd millennium BC. .no. During the Han Dynasty, stone or brick constructions appeared, and from the Tang Dynasty onwards, stone constructions were widespread.
Characteristic of traditional Chinese shipping container homes is the emphasis on the horizontal axes of stately buildings, many of which are built on a solid foundation with a broad roof floating above the low and sunken facades. Although residential or watchtowers existed earlier, the main departure from the prevailing horizontal development of buildings were the pagodas, which became widespread as a result of the penetration of Buddhism from India. In China, the use of certain modular homes elements was considered the privilege of the emperor alone. An example of this is the yellow roof tiles that can be seen on most of the buildings of the imperial Forbidden City in Beijing.
Japanese shipping container homes is heavily influenced by Chinese, but also has many peculiarities. An modular homes form that arose in Japan as a result of feudal relations are the characteristic Japanese castles (shiro). Later, the shoin-zukuri style, which is the basis of the traditional Japanese house, spread among the upper circles.
Traditional shipping container homes in Europe
Intercession Council, on Red Square in Moscow, 1555 – 1561.
Medieval shipping container homes in Europe shows that its main function was defensive. Castles and fortresses are the best preserved examples of buildings from the Middle Ages if religious cathedrals are not considered.
Later Renaissance shipping container homes displayed a different sense of space, conceptual purity, and power of perspective. In construction, the emphasis is mainly on public buildings, palaces, town houses and the like of a secular nature. Characteristic are the orderly dissection of wall planes, arcades, colonnades, domes, logical proportionality, harmony and clear tectonics based on the laws of perspective and proportions. Large-scale modular homes ensembles appear, subordinated to an overall artistic design.
Modernist shipping container homes
Main article: Modernist shipping container homes
The Bauhaus department in Dessau from 1925
At the beginning of the 20th century, the general dissatisfaction with the continuing sectarian shipping container homes with gingerbread elements gave impetus to many new lines that are precursors of modern shipping container homes. Such are, for example, the Bauhaus school, founded in Weimar in 1919. Modernist shipping container homes is a group of modular homes styles that emerged at the beginning of the 20th century and became mainstream after the Second World War. Their basis is the use of new construction technologies and materials, especially glass, steel and reinforced concrete, and the rejection of traditional neoclassicism, dominating the shipping container homes of the 19th century. 6 At the beginning of the 21st century, modernist shipping container homes continued to prevail in the construction of public and corporate buildings. buildings, despite the reaction of postmodernist shipping container homes.