I am training my Attack as well as OSRS GP Defence levels, from 60-70. I'm trying to figure out which one is faster. Training with their respective attack options. I.e. practice Attack with Accuracy and defend with defensive.
It will be faster to train them both with the Controlled Option or will they require more time? If you think the Controlled Option is faster then which weapon should I use? At the moment, I am F2P. What's the best way to learn? A skill at one time (Train all) or controlled (Train all). The aim is to make them stop training Attack and Defence when they reach 70 and focus on Strength until then, and then become an Barrows Pure.
The msb runs a bit faster however not much. For every dark bow shot you get around 3 shots from the msb. However, since the dark bow fires two arrows at once and the amount of arrows that hit your opponent in the same amount of time only differs by one. The msb will not strike you as much as the black d'hide and dark bow.
I'd like to try the dark bow because it is more powerful and will give you more xp. You should not make use of the msb when in crowds, as people could steal your monster because of the time difference between the msb and the d.
I've never tried a darkbow and I am not even at 70 yards. I just trust what other people tell me. I'm not offended, but it appears that you have no idea about ranging, and I won't trust you too much. The greater the bonus, the better you will be able to.
There's no way that dark bow can be so slow. I've seen them, and they're not that slow. It takes about 10 seconds to take the beast of another and not the 4-5-6 minutes needed to shoot the dark bow. It is only required to have 60 ranged shooters to be able to use a dark bow. We appreciate your patience.
Sorry if I've asked too many buy old school rs gold question. What are limpwurts' worth? My friend is interested in becoming a farmer and has decided to become a member. The problem is that he's poor and has very poor stats. What can I do to help him to get seeds? (Presuming that both of us get members)