More than a decade since the launch of the App Store, mobile apps have become an integral part of the software and media landscape. In spite of their widespread adoption, many entrepreneurs may view a mobile app as an accessory to their core business that doesn’t generate revenue. While most businesses do not directly use apps to collect revenue, there are many other benefits of having a native mobile app that will help aid in long-term growth for any business.

Customers want more ways to interact
You might not like the idea of spending money on building an app that replicates something that you’re already doing through another channel, but your customers will disagree. Even if you already have a mobile-friendly website, users will generally be more satisfied with your own mobile app because the native app experience provides better stability and interface.
It can be an easy way to provide more service to your customers
A major benefit of the App Store and Google Play Store is the ease of software distribution. It may not seem like much when you can easily distribute software via the internet, but having access to the native functionality of the user’s phone opens up many possibilities.
With a native app on the phone, you can, with their permission, gain access to the user’s location or have them easily submit forms or images during the normal use of the app.
And, native apps, compared to a mobile website, have greater security.
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