The fiber intake is one of the most beneficial eating habits for the body. Thanks to fiber, obesity and diseases such as diabetes can be prevented, as it reduces blood sugar levels.
Fiber benefits
The healthy intake of foods rich in fiber has also been proven to prevent cardiovascular problems by directly affecting the so-called bad cholesterol, which causes clogging of the arteries and consequently possible heart attacks.
However, the most outstanding benefit of fiber is that it contributes to the proper functioning of the digestive system, since it contributes to defecation and the maintenance of the colon microflora.
The power of this plant component is truly impressive and its high resistance to the hydrolysis of human digestive enzymes makes it an ally in the prevention of colonic diverticulosis and colon cancer.
It is estimated that the average recommended fiber intake for men and women should be 25 grams per day, especially in the ages between 35 and 40 years. However, medical studies reveal that consumption reaches just 15 grams per day.
The Institute of Medicine and the Spanish Federation of Nutrition, Food and Diet Societies (FESNAD) indicate that adults should eat between 26 and 38 grams per day.
A study called enKid reveals that fiber consumption for children and adolescents should range between 19 and 38 grams per day from the first year of age to three years; While for children between 4 and 8 years it is suggested that 25 grams be included in their diet, and for adolescents 38 grams will be enough to contribute to their good nutrition and digestion.
Failure to meet this fiber consumption goal is often caused by ignorance of the foods that contain it.
Although the list is long, the main food with the highest fiber potential are vegetables, such as: lettuce, chard, raw carrots, spinach, broccoli, artichokes, pumpkins, potatoes, green beans and vegetable juices.
In the same way, nuts contain a high amount of fiber, and therefore, it is advisable to eat sunflower seeds, almonds, pistachios and walnuts.
Foods rich in fiber that you should add to your diet
Among the fruits we find that apples, bananas, peaches, pears, tangerines, plums and figs, will contribute to the daily diet the fiber necessary to favor the body. Cereals such as wheat and its derived products such as bread, pasta and brown rice are vital for these nutritional purposes.
Among all these foods, there are seven rich in fiber that you should include in your diet and we will mention them below
Corn: Food with abundant fiber, just with half a cup of corn kernels or an ear, can provide the body with 2 grams of fiber. Even eating about three cups of popcorn - or called popcorn - ingest 3.5 grams.
Avocado: It is an excellent natural fiber source. Consuming a whole avocado, the body is nourished with 10 grams of fiber. Avocado is also rich in mono and polyunsaturated fats, called good fats, which help lower cholesterol
Lentils: Within legumes we find lentils, which provide 15.6 grams of fiber per cup and are also a source of vitamin B, protein, iron and other minerals.
Oatmeal: The best food for breakfast and start the day with energy and healthy. Precisely oatmeal is the most recommended food because it contains beta-glucan, a special type of fiber that affects cholesterol levels and will strengthen the immune system.
This food also contains insoluble fiber that acts on the body to achieve an efficient and proper functioning of digestion.
Apple: An essential fruit in the diet and widely suggested among the seven foods rich in fiber that you should include in your diet, is the apple. Together with the pear, it provides 4.4 grams of fiber and must be consumed with its shell or skin to take advantage of all the phytochemicals and vitamins it contains.
Brown Rice: According to a study by Harvard University, eating two servings of brown rice per week reduces the risk of developing type two diabetes, precisely because of its impact on blood sugar levels and its high fiber content.
It is estimated that a cup of brown rice contains 3.5 grams of fiber, so the suggestion is to keep this food as part of the daily sustenance.
Broccoli: Its nutritional contribution is high and it is estimated that each cup of boiled broccoli contains 5.1 grams of fiber. It is an ideal food to prevent cancer due to its content of isothiocyanates, which are antioxidants, which in turn stimulate the enzymes that detoxify the body.
Benefits of dietary fiber in the body
Dietary fiber is found naturally in vegetables, fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains, and is very beneficial for the body. You can learn more detailed information about the high fiber diet and its health benefits.
Foods that are rich in fiber provide health and regulate our digestive system, increase defenses and promote general well-being.
Fiber, especially prebiotic fiber, is good for the digestive system because it feeds the good bacteria (called probiotics) that live there.
These beneficial bacteria keep bad bacteria at bay, help balance the digestive system, boost our immune response, and help prevent digestive problems.
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