With this quarantine we cannot leave the house, and therefore we hardly move at all and we eat out of sheer boredom. So that the state of alarm does not leave you extra kilos, we bring you three exercise routines that you can do from your own living room
The coronavirus crisis in Spain has forced the Government to adopt drastic measures, such as decreeing the state of alarm in the country as of this Saturday and for the next 15 days at least.
This new situation is forcing all of us to stay at home as long as possible and not to go out on the streets except for urgent tasks, such as going shopping, to the pharmacy or taking the dog out. Running sessions and gym classes are therefore prohibited, which are also closed from Friday until further notice.
Between the fact that we do not move just because of the confinement and between the boredom and anxiety that make many eat more (and worse), this quarantine we are going to end up with extra kilos if we do not start to remedy it now.
Three easy exercises to do at home: you will lose weight and burn calories
In this Vozpópuli article we already told you the tricks that you should follow so as not to get like a ball in the quarantine, and today we bring you three easy exercises that you can perform perfectly in your living room.
Take advantage of these days, reader, to get in shape or, at least, try not to gain extra kilos, which later with the daily routine are more difficult to lose.
The three routines that we tell you also include their videos, made by the expert Álvaro Sayabera, personal trainer for the Atlético de Madrid women's soccer team.
Ideally, before doing these routines, you should 'run' in place for at least ten minutes to warm up your body. Attentive:
1) Easy routine to train your abs
1. We start with a routine to train your abs. In the video you will see that there are six exercises that will take you only 20 minutes a day. There are 15 repetitions of 3 series:
2. To begin the abdominals, it is important to have the lumbar area resting on the floor, hands on the neck and lift the body slightly 45 degrees.
3. We are going to include a variant of the previous abominals: we will raise the leg 90 degrees and perform the abdominals focusing the look at the knee.
4. We will cross one leg over the other, arms to the ground and raise the knee to the chest.
5. To continue, e raises the pelvis up with one leg over the other. The abdominal muscles can also be combined with other muscles, in this case, the obliques, they are the crossed adbominals. We will go to the opposite knee.
6. To conclude, we extend our arms and legs upwards and lower the opposite leg and arm.
2) Exercises to train the legs
With this quarantine, we hardly walk at all, and we have to move our legs, not only for aesthetics, but also for health.
In the following video, Álvaro shows us how to perform leg exercises in our own home, with the help of the furniture we already have.
3) Exercises to strengthen the pectorals
On this occasion, our personal trainer shows us some routines to train the pectorals to carry out from our home.