The energy provided by a raw and natural food, such as vegetables and fruits, is essential to start our day full of energy, however some of it is more recommended for its energy contribution to the body, and others fulfill different functions, such as relaxing or providing essential nutrients.
Recommended fruits and vegetables in the morning
The banana or the banana, can be considered nutritionally as a starch, that is, like the potato for example. It is therefore recommended to consume it in the morning hours, instead of consuming it as dessert. The banana is excellent to prepare a good smoothie in the morning, mixing it together with a drink (vegetable milks or juices) and cocoa.
The taste is delicious and it is a way to start the day full of energy avoiding added sugars, since the banana is sweet by itself.
The bananas are another essential fruit recommended in the morning.
It is sweet and full of nutrients, which provide a lot of energy immediately. Consuming figs at night is not recommended, since we will not be able to take advantage of all its nutrients and absorb them and it will make us gain weight.
The benefits of figs contribute to fighting constipation since they are rich in fiber, so if we take them first thing in the day, they will help us get our intestines working. We can take them fresh or dry, and we can also try baking them for a while with a little honey and filling them with a walnut. A delicious and very nutritious breakfast!
The ideal is to consume the orange juice, freshly made and separated from other meals. The orange also provides vitality and a lot of energy, so it is recommended in the early hours of the day to avoid insomnia- It is preferable to consume it on an empty stomach, in juice or whole, separated at least 15 minutes from breakfast. We can also make them even more energetic if we cut it into slices and add cinnamon and ginger powder and a little honey, this is a very rich combination.
Spinach is a good source of morning energy, recommended to include in sandwiches and side dishes. The spinach, if they are tender, taste delicious, and within smoothies provide nutrients essential. They will provide us with a large number of vitamins and minerals, including calcium and magnesium.
We can also try other combinations with watercress, arugula or lamb's lettuce, since each one has a very special flavor and will help us change our breakfasts.
The avocado is recommended to consume in the morning. Its great benefits make it a very complete fruit nutritionally speaking; It contains protein, fats and carbohydrates, and the healthy essential fatty acids, you can consume it alone, or add honey and you will take advantage of your breakfast to fill up with a lot of energy. We can also add it to smoothies, to give them a very creamy texture, or use it to fill toasts and sandwiches.
Surely, we have ever seen sprouted seeds and nuts. They are sold in some herbalists, dietetics and supermarkets, although they can also be easily prepared at home, keeping the seeds moist but without water for a few days. The sprouts are very nutritious, rich in vitamins and minerals and it's better than eating them are growing and full of life, so we bring all that vitality in all its splendor. They are a good option to eat alone, if we like them, or to add them to smoothies, toasts or sandwiches. We especially recommend the alfalfa and lentil ones.
Walnuts and almonds
If you take a handful of walnuts and almonds in the morning, around 23, you help your metabolism not to go through too many difficult changes during the day. Because they help you stabilize your blood sugar levels for the rest of the day. It is also a great snack, take a few for when you start to get hungry and want to run to "the machine" or "the store" for a sweet.
After your meal, treat yourself to a cup of blueberries with low-fat whipped cream. With that you will forget your hunger and you will stay alert and focused for the rest of the afternoon. They are a highly antioxidant food. Blueberry is another recommended fruit in the morning.
Keto is a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carbohydrate diet that forces the body to burn fats rather than carbohydrates, as described by HealthLine. The diet focuses on the consumption of fewer carbs which then lets your body convert fat into fuel. The broken-down fats create ketones and trigger a process called ketosis. The entire process works by fat burning.