Premenopause is the first stage of the menopause process. Some experts define it as the time in a woman's life, in which she is completely fertile. It begins with a woman's first period and ends with the first symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes and mood swings.
During premenopause, many women experience bodily discomfort, commonly known as premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
In this section, women can find information about the differences between premenopause and perimenopause, the average age range in which premenopause occurs in women, and the various tests they can choose to perform to detect premenopause.
Premenopause vs. Perimenopause
For people who are not familiar with the terms premenopause and perimenopause, they can be very confusing. To differentiate them, professionals in the medical field have proposed a basic difference:
Premenopause. The time before perimenopause; women are usually fertile.
Perimenopause. The time around menopause when menopausal symptoms appear and periods are irregular.
Premenopausal age
It is difficult to know exactly how long premenopause will last. Premenopause begins when a girl has her first period and ends with the first typical signs of menopause, such as hot flashes and loss of libido.
For most women, their first period usually appears in their early teens. On the other side of the spectrum, the first signs of hormonal changes that lead to menopause usually appear in your early forties. For about 30 years, women are fully fertile, as long as they remain healthy and their hormones remain within normal levels. Logically, as time passes, women begin to experience hormonal fluctuations. To identify them, read about some of the premenopause tests described in the next section.
Premenopause tests
Women can order a series of tests to determine if they are still in premenopause, or if the typical hormonal changes related to menopause have already begun.
The most common tests for women to identify whether they are premenopausal, or approaching menopause, are:
· Pregnancy test. If irregular or missed periods occur, pregnancy should be ruled out. Women can mistake pregnancy symptoms for premenopause, so it is important to determine the actual cause of the symptoms.
· Thyroid stimulating hormone test. Like a pregnancy test, women who are experiencing these symptoms may also want to rule out the possibility of an underlying thyroid problem, rather than premenopausal symptoms.
· Follicle-stimulating hormone test. This test is done to determine the amount of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) that is present in a woman's body. This hormone maintains the regularity of a woman's menstrual cycle. This test can help determine how far a woman is transitioning from menopause.
Symptoms of Premenopause
The symptoms of premenopause are, in general, those that women experience during their menstrual cycles. To varying degrees and frequency, most women experience symptoms collectively known as premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
The following sections will explain the many manifestations of PMS, including common and rare symptoms. Read on for the symptoms of premenopause.
For most women, premenopausal symptoms are a monthly issue, as such bodily discomforts appear alongside a woman's menstrual periods. However, its frequency and intensity can vary. This is why it is important for women to be in tune with their typical body functions, as any changes could indicate a serious underlying health problem.
During premenopause, most women experience the following symptoms: as they are, anxiety, cramps, mood swings, depression, irritability, nausea, overeating, bloating, etc.
While many women don't need much to alleviate premenopausal symptoms, others find their symptoms severe enough to require treatment. Fortunately, there are several ways that women can help themselves find calm and relief during menstrual cycles.
Stages of menopause
It is thus, that, with this explanation, it is obvious how misused this term has been that many know as the immediate prelude to menopause, which, essentially, is so, but not as it is popularly understood where it is thought that this stage, is the beginning of the termination of the fertile life of the woman.
In summary, menopause includes the following stages:
1. Premenopause. It is the stage that precedes menopause, it is the regular fertile reproductive life of every woman. It includes from the first period of the woman to the last one that occurs regularly.
2. Perimenopause. It is the stage that is closest to menopause and covers 4 to 5 years before menstruation finally stops. In this period there are hormonal fluctuations that cause the symptoms of menopause. It is generally present in women between the ages of 35 and 50.
3. Menopause. It is the end of a woman's reproductive life. There is no more menstruation. Lower the levels of progesterone and estrogens. There is no production of eggs and therefore, there can no longer be pregnancies.
4. Postmenopause. This stage counts from the year since the last period. After this stage, the woman will be postmenopausal for the remainder of her life.
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